
There’s Something More Personal about a Personal Concierge

Last October, the New York Times published a piece on its website comparing personal and digital concierge services. The piece made the case for using a digital concierge for certain kinds of tasks, but it also made the case that there is something more personal about a personal concierge service....
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5 Tips for Assisting Dementia Patients

My Divine Concierge offers some specialized services to seniors and clients suffering from dementia-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. For example, we can handle weekly grocery shopping and kitchen cleaning on behalf of clients unable to continue doing so for themselves. These specialized services differ somewhat in one key...
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Downsizing: What to Look for in a New Home

One of the things My Divine Concierge specializes in is assisting seniors with their downsizing projects. We help clients sort through their possessions to decide what goes and what stays. We can help them pack their homes, move their belongings, and unpack on the other end. Long before any of...
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