Preparing Your Home for Out-Of-Town Guests

Preparing Your Home for Out-Of-Town GuestsMemorial Day weekend is the unofficial start of summer here in the U.S. We all know what that means, right? The summer travel season is now upon us. From now through Labor Day, families of all sizes will be crisscrossing America to visit family and friends, see the sights, and embark on great adventures. Some of those travelers might be staying at your house for a couple of days.

According to this year’s Annual U.S. Summer Travel Trends Report from Marriott International, the average American family is planning to take at least two trips this year. If your house is a scheduled stop for any of those trips, you will want to be prepared with a welcoming and hospitable environment. The good news is that it doesn’t take a tremendous amount of effort to prepare your home for out-of-town guests. With just 30 to 60 minutes and the right strategy, you can make your home a very welcoming place.

Here are a few tips for you to consider:

1. Put Everything in Its Place

If you’ve learned anything from reading My Divine Concierge blog posts, hopefully it’s that everything in your home should have a place. That is one of the key components of decluttering. So make sure everything is in its proper place in the hours prior to your guests arriving. Putting everything away instantly makes an untidy house look more tidy. Then you can move on to the next tip.

2. Sweep and Vacuum

Next, a good sweeping and vacuuming goes a long way toward making your home hospitable. Don’t do this task quickly. Take your time and make sure you get everything. That includes the little clumps of dog hair along the floor boards and the cobwebs in the corners. If sweeping and vacuuming reveal that it’s been a while since you’ve dusted, take a few minutes and tackle that chore as well.

3. Prepare the Room

Next on the list is to prepare the guest room. Put clean sheets on the bed, cover it with a comforter, and fluff the pillows. Be sure the guest bathroom is stocked with clean towels and wash cloths. If you are so inclined, you might put out fresh toiletries as well. Travel size toiletries from your local dollar store are great for this sort of thing.

Also prepare some closet and drawer space for your guests. They will appreciate having a little room to unpack their things. Even if just for a weekend, being able to put your things away in a closet or drawer makes the place you are staying in feel more like home.

4. Add Some Decorations

Hopefully, you know your guests well enough to figure out what kind of decorations they might appreciate in their room. You don’t need to go overboard but do lightly decorate just to give the room a more appealing allure. If you do not know your guests’ preferences, keep your decorations neutral.

5. Prepare a Snack

Finally, use the last few hours before your guests arrive to prepare a snack. A beverage and something light to eat will be a welcome surprise when they finally arrive at your door. Then you can sit down and enjoy your snack while catching up, leaving all the unpacking for later.

Visits from friends and family are treasured, are they not? Make this summer’s visits the best ever by making your home a warm and welcoming place. That’s the best way to guarantee your guests will come back time and again.


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