Tuesday, March 10: The Day to Get Your Home Office Organized

Tuesday, March 10: The Day to Get Your Home Office Organized Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Independence Day are great holidays we all love to celebrate, right? For personal concierge providers, however, the second Tuesday in March is right at the top of our list of important celebrations. Why? Because it is national ‘Organize Your Home Office Day’ across the U.S. This year the holiday falls on Tuesday, March 10.

Some statistics suggests that one out of every four households in America has a dedicated home office space. Some people use this space to run a small business while others use it for things such as paying the bills, working out the family budget, or heading up some volunteer effort. Regardless of its primary function though, a home office is at its best when it is organized and efficient. That is what Organize Your Home Office Day is all about. It is about utilizing organization to become more efficient.

Clean, Organize and Store

Organizing a messy room involves three primary components: cleaning, organizing and storing. We start with cleaning because organization and storage are more difficult when a room is cluttered with trash and other things a person no longer has a need of. To clean your office, you can do a number of important things:

Empty the trash
Shred unnecessary paperwork
Get rid of old periodicals and magazines
Get rid of unused furniture and equipment.

The idea with cleaning is to get rid of anything in your home office you have no need of. After all, it’s only taking up space anyway. Once things are cleaned out, you can move on to organizing what remains. We break that down to the two subcomponents of efficiently organizing what you usually use and storing what you do not. This is where many people need help.

Organization can be as simple as arranging the items on your desk in such a way as to give you easy access without causing clutter. Having a receptacle for holding your pens, for example, is a way to give you quick access to a writing instrument without having multiple pens scattered in various locations throughout your desk. It might also involve installing a shelf where copy paper can be neatly stacked alongside your other office supplies.

For storing those things you do not need on a regular basis, plastic bins with sealed lids are an excellent option. We love plastic bins because they come in a variety of sizes, they are easily stackable, and they keep moisture and dust out. They are one of the greatest inventions ever be introduced to the world of organization.

You Can Do It

The staff at My Divine Concierge invites you to join us on Tuesday, March 10 as we celebrate Organize Your Home Office Day. If you can, dedicated the day to cleaning your home office and getting it straightened up and organized for the rest of the year. You will be glad you did the next time you have a hectic day where you need every bit of organization just to get through.

If you cannot organize your office on Tuesday, set aside another day in the near future to get the job done. We would be happy to come alongside and share our expertise with you in your home office. We can help organize your business and your life, for a more efficient and productive future.

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