
Time to Kill: Help Your Descendants by Doing This One Thing

You’ve gone through the gut-wrenching process of downsizing and moving to a new home. Now that everything is settled, you seem to have a ton of time on your hands. We have a suggestion for what you could do with that time. You do this one thing for your descendants...
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Downsizing and Collectibles: The Art of Prioritization

Most of us are familiar with the concept of prioritization. For our entire adult lives we have to prioritize tasks at work, responsibilities at home, and so forth. There is simply not enough time in the day to get everything done. Likewise, those same principles of prioritization can come in...
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5 Ways to Go Beyond Broom Cleaning a Sold Home

Vacating a home that you sold usually involves at least a small amount of cleaning. The standard rule of thumb is to leave a vacated house what is known as ‘broom clean’. My Divine Concierge has helped countless clients broom clean their sold homes on the way out the door...
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