We are quickly approaching that time when the nation’s college graduates cross the stage, get their diplomas, and turn their tassels from one side to the next. Maybe you find yourself in that position. You are the parent of a soon-to-be college grad looking forward to the next chapter in...
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Tag Archives: Organizing for Life Changes
Downsizing Questions: Is the Family Home Worth Keeping?
America has finally reached the point at which baby boomers are starting to retire in large numbers. Undoubtedly, many of them will consider selling the family home in order to downsize. Some will not. Some baby boomers will stay in their family homes until it is no longer physically possible...
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Downsizing and Moving: Keeping Track of All the Little Details
Saying that moving to a new house involves a lot of little details is like saying the sky is blue. It is obvious to anyone who has moved at least once. Interestingly enough, all those details are manageable when you are young and energetic. They become more difficult with age....
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Decluttering Life Lessons from Full-Time RVers
Let us start this post with a question: if circumstances dictated you had to do it, could you downsize enough to live full time in an RV or travel trailer? Lots of people do it voluntarily just because they like the RV lifestyle. Others, albeit a small number of full-timers,...
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Top 4 Downsizing Mistakes to Avoid
We have helped a lot of families downsize in the years we have been in business. We have also learned a lot of lessons along the way. At the top of the list is the reality that downsizing is often a lot harder than people anticipate. There are so many...
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Helping Seniors Maximize Their Time in Retirement
We take great pride in the fact that many of our services are geared toward seniors. By the way, My Divine Concierge isn’t alone in this regard. Many personal concierge services put a special emphasis on helping senior clients with things they either cannot or do not want to do....
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How to Make College Move-In Day a Little Less Stressful
It is getting to that time of year again when college students head off to campus. College move-in days usually begin somewhere around mid-August and conclude by the end of the month. Are you getting ready for your very first move-in day as a parent? It can be stressful, that’s...
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As Long As You’re Staging Your Home…
We have published numerous posts in the past talking about how and why we stage a home prior to selling. This post takes a bit of a different approach. Rather than talking about how and why, we want to discuss looking beyond staging. As long as you are staging your...
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3 Reasons People Avoid Downsizing
Downsizing has almost become a rite of passage for empty nesters. They reach a point in life where they realize they no longer need a big house capable of accommodating a family that has grown up and gone out into the world. But as common as downsizing might be, there...
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It’s Time to Bust These 3 Downsizing Myths
One of the things My Divine Concierge specializes in is helping seniors downsize. We do not actually help them sell their homes or buy new ones, but we do help them with every aspect of moving. We help them pare down their possessions, pack the house, and unpack it on...
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