The number of people running home-based businesses continues to grow in a day and age in which corporate downsizing has become the norm. As such, My Divine Concierge is more frequently called on to help home-based business owners better organize their offices. It is something we truly enjoy doing. Your...
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Separate Storage: Options for Downsizing Homeowners
A big issue for downsizing homeowners is that of storage. By the very definition of what they are doing, they will have less living space in their new home as compared to the home being left behind. The impetus behind downsizing is the fact that homeowners no longer need so...
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How to Broom Clean a House When Moving
People vacating a home are generally expected to leave it in good condition for the next occupants. This is true whether you are talking about homeowners who have sold or renters leaving an apartment as they move on to the next station in life. The question is, what constitutes good...
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