It has been a while since we used our blog to discuss reasons people choose to hire us as their personal concierge service. There are as many different reasons as there are clients, and every reason is a valid one. The services we provide are designed to make the lives...
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Planning a Spring Garage Sale?
Most of the snow disappeared weeks ago. Easter has come and gone, and now many of us are looking forward to Memorial Day. Do you know what that means? It means garage sale season is on the doorstep. Within the next 6 to 8 weeks, the garage sale ads will...
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4 More Secrets of Successful Home Stagers
So, you have come back to read the second post in this series of ‘secrets of successful home stagers’. Good for you. If you read the first post, you know we talked about creating the right spatial balance, arranging furniture, using odd numbers, and generating flow with color. This post...
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