
4 Secrets of Successful Home Stagers

A few months ago, My Divine Concierge published a blog post asking the question, “is there psychology behind organization?” If you read that post, you know the answer. This post is similar inasmuch as there is a certain amount of psychology involved in staging a home for sale. The professional...
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Concierge Service an Alternative to Estate Sales

Having to let go of a loved one who has passed on is never an easy thing to do. Between all the arrangements and legal ramifications, it can be very difficult to grieve until weeks or months after the funeral. Many families experience the darkest days of grief in the...
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Why Your Reasons for Holding on to Clutter Might Be Wrong

People hold on to different things for various reasons. Maybe an item belonged to a loved one who passed, or perhaps an item represents a childhood memory. Whatever the reason, some items can be hard to let go – scary even. Americans live in a society where one’s worth is...
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