We see it all the time: people attempting to downsize but having no idea what to do or where to turn. They spend months trying to figure out what to do with their possessions but make no headway. They wrangle over collectibles, fight over furniture, and beg their frustrated children...
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Tag Archives: Organizing for Life Changes
Downsizing and Moving: How Soon Is Too Soon to Pack?
Downsizing can be a traumatic experience for anyone. Rarely is it easy to leave behind a house you have spent decades living in. Making matters worse is all the work that goes into packing and moving. Thankfully, concierge services like ours make the processes easier. My Divine Concierge can even...
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Downsizing 101: Preparing to Leave the Home You Sold
Downsizing is a major task for most people. And the closer one gets to moving day, the more difficult it can be to leave behind the former house. We get it. We have helped countless numbers of people downsize and move over the years. Each case is unique in one...
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More Valuable Tiny House Lessons
Our previous blog post discussing valuable lessons we can learn from tiny house owners went over so well that we decided that a follow-up post was in order. This post offers a few more valuable lessons from the tiny house movement. Even if you don’t live in a tiny house,...
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Downsizing and Estate Planning: 4 Things to Know
My Divine Concierge team members have encountered more than one situation in which we were helping seniors downsize only to find ourselves having a discussion over estate planning. There is something about downsizing that causes people with no estate plan in place to start thinking about what will happen to...
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Time to Kill: Help Your Descendants by Doing This One Thing
You’ve gone through the gut-wrenching process of downsizing and moving to a new home. Now that everything is settled, you seem to have a ton of time on your hands. We have a suggestion for what you could do with that time. You do this one thing for your descendants...
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Preparing to Prepare Your House for Sale
Conventional wisdom says that spring is the best time to put a house on the market. So here we are in January, just 10 weeks or so until the official start of spring. What are your plans? If you are thinking about listing in March or April, there will be...
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Things Every First-Time Snowbird Should Take South
‘Tis the season for snowbirds. Between now and the first part of January, untold numbers of New York residents will be fleeing the Northeast winter in favor of the sunshine and warm temperatures of Florida. And just as in the past, this year will be the first time for some...
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What Happens After a Natural Disaster?
The recent hurricanes in Texas, Florida, and along the northeast coast provided some food for thought. Many of us were reminded of the devastating effects of Sandy in 2012, some of which still linger today. So what happens after natural disasters like these? What are homeowners to do as they...
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Never Underestimate the Power of a Memory
Team members here at My Divine Concierge are frequently asked what it is we love most about our jobs. That’s hard to say. However, one thing that sticks out to a lot of people who do what we do is how powerful memories can be in helping people through some...
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