Tips for Establishing a New Concierge Relationship

Tips for Establishing a New Concierge RelationshipA concierge service such as My Divine Concierge is intended to make the lives of clients easier by increasing organization and efficiency. Concierge services are growing in popularity across the country as more and more people discover how much time and energy they can save by delegating certain kinds of tasks to a concierge. Perhaps you are thinking of signing up with a concierge service yourself.

We hope you will consider My Divine Concierge as your service provider. Nevertheless, even if not, we want to provide you with a couple of helpful tips for establishing a new concierge relationship. A relationship that is established correctly from the start is one that will be mutually beneficial over the long term.

Tip #1 – Talk about Your Needs

An initial consultation with your concierge service can go a long way in making sure your working relationship is everything it should be. Why is an initial consultation necessary? Because clients often do not really know what they need or want. They know they feel overwhelmed, but they are not quite sure how to organize themselves to overcome this. Sitting down with a concierge can provide some much-needed clarity that prevents the client from paying for services that are not needed.

Tip #2 – Establish Your Expectations

The client-concierge relationship can deteriorate very quickly when expectations are not in place. A client may be expecting one thing while the service provider does something else, or vice-versa. The resulting fallout of unmet expectations can range from terminating the client-service provider relationship to actual litigation. Do not let that happen. Instead, establish your expectations during your initial consultation. If your expectations change over time, make sure to sit and speak with your concierge about those changes.

Tip #3 – Establish Scheduling

It would be nice to have a personal concierge on call 24 hours a day. However, unless the client is willing to pay a full-time wage, the concierge must have other clients to pay the bills. This reality dictates that clients and service providers establish clear scheduling at the start of a new working relationship. Schedules can be somewhat flexible, but the concierge cannot allow a single client to dominate all of his or her time. Other clients also have to be attended to.

Tip #4 – Give Your Concierge Freedom

You undoubtedly expect things in your home to be done a certain way. That is reasonable and to be expected. Nonetheless, a working relationship with a concierge is a lot more productive if clients allow their service providers some measure of freedom to do things differently. Remember, a concierge is an expert in efficiency and organization. He or she may have ways of doing things that are foreign to you, yet they are just the sorts of methods you need for a more manageable and organized household.

Tip #5 – Establish Methods of Communication

Lastly, good communication is essential in the client-service provider relationship. Setting up channels of communication in the early stages of a concierge relationship goes a long way toward eliminating misunderstandings. Whether you choose e-mail, smartphone or in-person meetings, both you and your concierge should know how to communicate with one another whenever necessary.

Working with the concierge is an excellent way to help you make the most of your busy life. We invite you to contact My Divine Concierge to learn more about our services. We can help you organize your home, assist you with routine household chores, help you get your home-based business back on track, assist you or your older parents with downsizing, and so much more. All it takes to get started is one phone call.

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