Why Asking for Help Is a Good Thing

Why Asking for Help Is a Good ThingQuite often, My Divine Concierge will get called out on a new job that would have been a lot easier to handle weeks or months earlier. Hoarding situations and downsizing projects immediately come to mind. It’s interesting, but a lot of us have a hard time asking for help – even when we know we really need it. So what’s the deal?

Experts say that a lack of asking for help is usually related to fear. We are afraid that others might view us as being weak or incompetent. Some of us feel like asking for help amounts to failure. And in the case of hoarding and downsizing situations, there may be some fear that asking for help will mean having to dispose of a lot of things that are near and dear.

We want you to know that you have nothing to fear in calling My Divine Concierge for help. We have been in the personal concierge business for years. There is nothing we have not experienced in this business, so we will not think any less of you for reaching out. Moreover, we want you to know that asking for help is actually a good thing.

Asking Is a Sign of Strength

Experts agree that asking for help is really a sign of strength rather than weakness. It takes a lot of courage to admit that you cannot accomplish something alone. Whether that means resolving a hoarding problem or just deciding what stays and what goes when it’s time to downsize. Admitting you need help is a sign that you have the courage to admit you are not superhuman.

Getting Help Can Reduce Stress

We have worked with plenty of clients who thanked us for coming alongside them, after the fact, because our assistance greatly reduced their stress levels. Listen, we know what it’s like to be stressed out by a lack of organization. We know how difficult and overwhelming it can be to have to make too many decisions in too short a time. There can be a lot of stress involved in organizing, decluttering, and clearing out.

The benefit of calling an organization like ours is having access to assistance without an emotional attachment. In other words, My Divine Concierge staff can approach your job from a logical, practical, and experienced standpoint because we are not emotionally attached to your possessions. We can make decisions you might not be capable of making, thus relieving you of the guilt and pressure.

Asking for Help Can Be Educational

Another thing we have discovered over the years is that asking for help can be educational for our clients. As an example, a lot of people struggle with storage solutions because they do not really know what’s out there or how to best utilize what they already have. We can come alongside and teach them. In future years, they will have the knowledge to tackle storage solution problems on their own.

Some of our clients also learn more about themselves in the process. One client may learn that he has trouble letting go of certain personal possessions that relate to a past event in his life. Another may find that the fear of losing memories is really what’s controlling her decisions about antiques and collectibles.

Education can be a difficult and painful thing. In the end though, it is almost always beneficial. The ability to help clients learn more about who they are is one of the things we most love about personal concierge work.

If you need help cleaning up and clearing out, My Divine Concierge is at your disposal. We invite you to contact us to learn more about all our personal concierge services. Remember, asking for help is a good thing.

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