Microsoft 2010 has a great template for medical records. Print it out and start to fill out your past medical history. I know I cant remember all the surgeries I have had in my life. I now carry a copy of this record with me when I go to the...
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Category Archives: Office Organizing
Real Simple Real Hard
While reading Real Simple Magazine, they did a piece on how to clean your laundry room in 15 minutes. They allowed a minute for several different cleaning projects. For example, 1 minute to disconnect the dryer hose. Vacuum it out with your crevice attachment, then reattach the hose. Any sane...
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Wishing you a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving
If you are traveling this Thanksgiving, please be safe and try not to be in too much of a hurry. Being stressed takes away from the fun. Everything always works out somehow. Whether the food is burnt, someone forgot their dish or the tablecloth has a hole in it, your...
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Real Estate and Paint recycling
Attended The Westchester Real Estate Meeting in Tarryown today met some wonderful people. Found out that one of the most difficult things to get rid of in a home is paint. If you have a 1/2 of a can or less use kitty litter or saw dust to dry it...
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Eco Bridal Bathroom Baskets

My Divine Concierge has a new division. Making eco friendly baskets for the bathroom at wedding receptions. I will make up the baskets drop them off for the event and then pick them up after the reception and donate the remainder to a womans shelter. The bride and groom will...
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Keeping the cold out!
Want to make your home more sealed to drafts from cold air? Walk around the house with a lite candle and see when it blows around and those will be the areas that need attention to getting sealed. A little caulk, some foam pads behind light switches can make all...
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Recycling Sneakers
Don’t you want to know how to recycle your old sneakers. Wouldnt it be great to keep all those old shoes out of the land fill. Well here is the site you can mail your old shoes to, any brand. Nike will take them and put them to good use....
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WOW me a guest speaker for Westchester Magazine I am being featured as the guest speaker for Westchester Magazine at their green DreamHome 2009 that is being built in Armonk. The money raised from tours every Thurs, Frid, Sat and Sun in May goes to the Open Door clinics in Westchester County. I will be speaker on...
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Paper Endless Paper

When confronted with old banking statement, financial records, personal papers, the key to success to shredding. We live in a era of self protection. There are certain guidelines for how long to keep records, and as always I would like to see as much as possible be on the computer...
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Crocs recycled

We want spring so bad we have started to clean out closets and try on shoes. Some of us may be going away for a warm vacation next month and will be going shopping to replace shoes the kids have outgrown or worn out. Case in point Crocs, what to...
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