In the coming year, My Divine Concierge will help plenty of seniors looking to downsize. It is something we’ve been doing for years now. Most of the time things go as smoothly as can be expected in a downsizing situation, but other times clients find themselves in an emotionally challenging...
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Category Archives: Organizing for Life Changes
Does Newspaper Really Protect Glassware?
Have you ever helped a friend move only to be assigned the task of wrapping glassware in newspaper prior to boxing it? If so, have you ever wondered if newspaper really protects glassware well enough to bother? Well, rest assured that it does. We will explain why in this post....
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Concierge Services and the New Wave of Retirees
Baby boomers are generally accepted to be that group of people born between 1946 and 1964. That would mean in 2016 a baby boomer could be between 52 and 70 years old. The oldest among them are now reaching retirement age and are set to have a profound impact on...
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Snowbird Tips: Getting Ready to Head South
It’s getting to be that time again when the nation’s northern snowbirds start thinking about heading south before the cold weather begins setting in. Whether you are a snowbird who leaves at the beginning of September or one of the more hardy that prefers to wait until November or December,...
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How to Know When Clutter Is a Safety Issue
There are cluttered houses, and then there are dangerously cluttered houses. We have seen them all in our years as a concierge service helping people solve their clutter issues. The thing about clutter is that it can accumulate to the point of creating a dangerous situation without a homeowner ever...
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Be Careful about Hiring a Moving Company
My Divine Concierge is thrilled to be able to offer clients a complete packing, moving, and unpacking service for local moves. If you are downsizing from the family home that you’ve owned for decades into a smaller apartment on the other side of town, we can make it happen while...
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Change Does Not Have to Be the Enemy
Our experience as a personal concierge service gives us plenty of opportunities to work with people who are undergoing a major life change. For example, we specialize in helping older people looking to downsize from the larger house of their family years to something smaller and easier to maintain. Often,...
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3 Ways to Prepare for Downsizing
Downsizing is rarely the easiest thing seniors will experience during their lifetimes. The process is often emotionally and physically overwhelming. That’s understandable, given the amount of time and effort most seniors have spent in the homes they now find themselves leaving behind. It can be heartbreaking for us, as we...
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Tips for Long-Distance Moves
It is probably safe to say that most of us dread the prospect of moving. We may look forward to that new home, especially if starting over in a new community, but the actual process of packing everything up and transporting it is the stuff of nightmares. Those nightmares are...
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What You Need to Know about Packing Materials
One of the things we specialize in at My Divine Concierge is helping people pack up their homes and move. As a result, we have become very familiar with different types of packing materials over the years. We go through our fair share of bubble wrap, packing peanuts, tissue paper...
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